24 Hour Hotlines

814-333-9766 | 888-881-0189


204 Spring Street


123 N Franklin Street

All of our services are trauma-informed and goal-oriented. Counselors help clients overcome immediate urgent issues while learning coping skills to face future struggles. Counselors also work with victims to create a safety plan, educate them about the resources and options available, and empower them to stay safe.

We provide supportive counseling to past and present survivors of Domestic Violence (DV) and Sexual Violence (SV) and their families, including adult survivors of DV and SV. We provide an environment that gives our clients the opportunity to share and discuss their experiences.

Counseling & Therapy

Counseling focuses on several things:

The educational component of the dynamics and effects of abuse

Crisis intervention

Sorting out feelings of confusion and helplessness

Implementation of safety planning and support

The individual determines their counseling goals in collaboration with the counselor.

Women’s Services provides counseling for shelter residents as well as non-shelter residents. These counseling sessions typically take place at our offices; however, outreach counseling is available for anyone unable to access our offices. Our counselors can make arrangements to meet with you at a church, town hall, school, or virtually. We are, however, unable to offer in-home counseling.  

Appointments can be made with individual counselors by calling Women’s Services at 814-724-4637

Long-term therapy is also available for victims who have been through trauma and wish to process it in a more in-depth manner. Through therapy, it will first be ensured that the client is adept at coping skills before beginning to process their trauma. 

Once our therapists determine the client is ready, the client may begin to work through a timeline of their trauma, explore the emotions from that trauma, and also learn how to deal with triggers and the life-long effects of traumatic events.

Types of Counseling

Adult Domestic Violence Counseling

Adult Sexual Violence Counseling

Child Domestic Violence Counseling

Child Sexual Violence Counseling

Counseling for Individuals with Disabilities

Adult Domestic Violence (“DV”) Counseling

WSI’s adult DV counselors give clients the opportunity to share and discuss their experiences. Counselors also work with victims to create a safety plan and educate them about available resources and options. The goal of counseling is to empower victims to develop their potential.

Individual counseling is also available for adult victims of child sexual abuse. Adult survivors may experience a range of emotions and feelings that affect their adult lives. Adult survivors may also experience other difficulties, such as not having anyone available to corroborate memories of the abuse.

WSI’s experienced counselors assist children whose parents are victims of domestic violence, as well as teenagers and young adults who may have experienced episodes of domestic violence themselves. Children are taught conflict resolution skills and are encouraged to use nonviolent means of self-expression.

WSI provides counseling services for children who have been sexually abused. Individual counseling can involve the use of art and play as well as verbal communication to help the child express feelings and to cope with abuse. Parents, siblings, and other relatives can also receive supportive counseling and they can learn ways to help their children heal.

More than 90% of individuals with a disability will experience sexual abuse at some point in their lives and almost half of those same individuals will experience ten or more abusive incidents 

People with disabilities may not even realize that sexual abuse is abusive, unusual, or illegal. Consequently, they may never tell anyone about sexually abusive situations. People with and without disabilities are often fearful of talking openly about such painful experiences due to the risk of not being believed or taken seriously. 

Women’s Services has a specially trained counselor who has experience working with individuals with disabilities.

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Golfer Information

Individual golfer fees are $125 and cover cart and greens fees, brunch, hole prizes, snacks and beverages on the
course as well as appetizers at the awards ceremony. If you have any questions, please contact Julie at
Women’s Services 814.724.4637.

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