Join us Saturday, October 5th for our 19th Annual Moveable Feast!
5 – 7pm have aperitifs and appetizers at the ALIC @ Bessemer
7pm dinner and dessert is at various host homes.
$100 per person
Call 814-724-4637 for more information RSVP to
Thank you to all our golfers, sponsors, and volunteers who made our 38th Annual Charity Golf Classic a success. Watch for information about our 2025 event!
This special fundraising event, primarily driven by digital media, allows generous people and businesses the opportunity to support nonprofit organizations that are helping meet the needs of our community. Crawford Gives provides a platform for participating nonprofits to share their stories, connect with new donors and become more skillful in digital fundraising. This knowledge helps build organizational capacity, develops stewardship and grows their donor base. Crawford Gives is a gateway for people to connect to causes doing good work in areas they care passionately about.
Women’s Services conducts an Annual Fund Drive to raise money to supplement the grants and other funding we receive. If you want to be on our mailing list, email us at
If you would like to donate to the Annual Fund, checks can be made payable and sent to
Women’s Services, Inc.
204 Spring Street
Meadville, PA 16335
204 Spring Street
Meadville, PA 16335
Office Phone 814-724-4637
123 North Franklin Street
Titusville, PA 16354
Office Phone 814-775-0445