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814-333-9766 | 888-881-0189


204 Spring Street


123 N Franklin Street


The Greenhouse

EST. 1978

Women’s Services first opened the doors of The Greenhouse in 1978. Since then, we have provided a safe haven for the children and adults of Crawford County who are in crisis due to domestic violence, sexual violence, or homelessness. The Greenhouse provides over 5,000 days of shelter annually.

Our 18-bed shelter offers safe, protective, and confidential temporary shelter to adults and their dependent children who are in need of temporary housing due to a domestic violence situation or other crises such as homelessness or unsuitable living conditions. Guests also receive information, referrals, counseling, support groups, and case management assistance. Children residing in the shelter may also receive counseling and participate in structured play activities to assist them in coping with their families’ situations.

Often, a shelter is the only option for an individual who wants to leave a violent relationship. It may not be safe for them to stay with friends or family members because the abusive partner is aware of these locations. Or, they have become so isolated from a support network that there is nowhere else to go for help. Shelter provides a safe and supportive environment where adults and their children can heal physically and emotionally

When survivors of domestic violence seek shelter, most domestic violence programs have them complete what is called a needs assessment as a part of the intake process.  Women’s Services however subscribes to Lupe Serrano’s philosophy:

When you start with needs, you get programs. When you start with strengths you get possibilities.

Every person entering The Greenhouse develops a work plan with a counselor/advocate. This plan is used to outline goals and the steps that must be taken to reach those goals; for example, finding safe housing, exploring employment opportunities, arranging for childcare and transportation needs, and accessing available legal protection. While in the shelter, guests can meet with their counselor/advocate to discuss their progress toward achieving these goals. In addition, each resident is invited to take part in group programs including parenting skills, domestic abuse education, and support groups.

Many of these families and individuals come to us without anything–including clothing, medications, toiletries, baby supplies, furniture, or other necessary everyday items.  Upon entering The Greenhouse, our guests receive essential supplies for themselves and their children and later, once they have secured permanent housing, household items that will help them create a new and comfortable living environment.

Children in abusive households believe that what they see at home is normal and many mimic that behavior. Some children may feel as though their own behavior caused the violence; some blame the abused parent for staying; still, others are physically hurt in their efforts to come between the abuser and the abused.

WSI provides individual and group counseling for children as well as interactive group activities with other children. Our childcare workers provide babysitting services so that mothers can run errands, go on job interviews, or just have a little quiet time.

The Greenhouse is the only shelter in Crawford County that provides children and adults in crisis due to domestic violence or sexual violence a safe and clean place to stay while they work with our staff to repair their lives. 

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Golfer Information

Individual golfer fees are $125 and cover cart and greens fees, brunch, hole prizes, snacks and beverages on the
course as well as appetizers at the awards ceremony. If you have any questions, please contact Julie at
Women’s Services 814.724.4637.

Foursome 1

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